
Friday, 11 June 2021

Mars information report writing

 Planning: Humans living on mars in the future, How hot it is and how we could survive.

The planet Mars is so similar to earth and We humans are so close to living on mars that we might live there forever and earth will rest in peace. Mars is red because the dust and rocks are red and it will make the planet reddish. Did you know that Mars has seasons and I will tell you all of them. Polar ice caps, Volcanoes, Canyons and weather. Mars has a very thin atmosphere  and it is made of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and argon.

What is Carbon Dioxide?

I will be explaining those three things. Carbon dioxide helps earth hold the energy it receives from the sun. Carbon Dioxide may cause dizziness, restlessness, Needle feelings, difficulty breathing, sweating,  tiredness, increased heart rate,  Blood pressure, Coma, asphyxia, and convulsions.

What is Nitrogen 

Nitrogen has something to do with growth and reproduction In both plants and animals. It is found in amino and acids that make proteins.

What is the surface of mars like?

Its surface is rocky, with canyons and volcanoes. Mars used to have water in the ancient times but it is all dried up and there is only a dry lake left with just iron, dust and rocks, so many rocks actually. The dust on mars mostly covers mars witch gives it a red colour and that is all my information for today.


The thing about mars is that i think we could all make it to mars and it is my goal to experience gravity on mars and how it is like to be light. Gravity is my dream and I want to test out more about Mars and where it came from.

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